
We’re super excited to launch introstars!

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We’re super excited to launch introstars!

Get paid for intros!

We’re super excited to launch introstars as the first and only marketplace for business introductions, where you can make and receive high-value paid business referrals!

If only there was a way

  • to earn substantial money as a side-hustle every time you make a good business introduction

  • to receive a regular stream of highly-qualified introductions to high-value prospects, buyers and candidates

  • to track every introduction you make and receive
  • to guarantee you get paid whenever you make a good intro which results in a business deal

introstars is the solution you’ve been dreaming about! The first and only marketplace for high-value business introductions & referrals! With introstars, you can post what type of intros you’re looking for, and millions of potential introducers will bring you those prized intros to help you close deals and investment rounds.

  • If you work in B2B sales or marketing, this is a game-changer for lead-generation!
  • If you’re an entrepreneur/founder, then this help get those precious intros to your first paying customers.
  • If you’re a recruiter, introstars will help you get introduced to high-value clients!
  • If you’re a well-connected professional, introstars will help you monetise your network by making relevant introductions to the right people who will pay you substantial referral fees!

Try it right now! You can sign-up to introstars for free in just 3 clicks.

Go to www.introstars.com

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